How do you know what to talk about?

One of the most common questions I hear when someone realizes they need to create content online is this:

How do you know what to talk about?

I mean, really, how do you know?

How do I know?

I’m not sure – I’ve been producing content for my online audience for almost 5 years on a daily basis.

Sometimes, it’s just random thoughts but one of the things that I came to realize recently is the process to get things to talk about isn’t obvious to most.

Even then, what I do isn’t the best either.

First of all, you need to know who your audience is… what are they interested in?

When you first start online, you can use yourself as the authority of what to talk about.

Choose topics you are interested in… typically your audience is you so what you’re interested in should be the same for them.

Run out of things to say?

Over time time though you might run out of things to say or realize your audience isn’t exactly you.

In any case there are a few things your can do to find new things to talk about.

First, you can simply google a question you think your audience is interested in.

That will give you a LOT of ideas as to what to talk about

Second, you can read other people’s posts when you browse your news feed on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Other platforms like Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok can certainly give you ideas too but they aren’t as easy to browse or search.

Putting it together

Finally, you may want to organize your content in broader topics and have them on specific days or every X posts.

For example, in my case, I talk about generating income online with digital course strategies.

That can be a lot of different things like audience growth, course creation, social media strategies, email list strategies, platform usage, paid ads, etc…

I could decide to create a “how to” post or video every Monday, an audience growth video on Tuesdays, a social media tips video on Wednesdays, a platform how to on Thursdays and a Paid ads strategy on Fridays…

Or any other order of things.

Planning ahead is good and helps to remove some organizational issues.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

I’m always looking for what you are interested in and would love to hear about your successes (and struggles).


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